What Is a Urologist?

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The urologist is a medical professional that is responsible for diagnosing and treating conditions related to the urinary tract. Various treatments are available, including cystoscopy, post-void residual urine test and treatment for prostate cancer. The urologist is also responsible for performing pelvic organ prolapse surgeries.



Cystoscopy is a procedure that helps diagnose urinary tract issues. It involves inserting a thin tube with a camera attached into the urethra. The doctor then examines the bladder. This can help diagnose bladder disorders and other problems.


In some cases, the doctor may insert a catheter into the bladder to drain the fluid. This can help treat urinary retention or fistulas. However, it can cause scar tissue to develop in the urethra.


Bleeding is common after cystoscopy.

If you experience heavy or persistent bleeding, you should notify your doctor immediately. This can result in blood clots and a need for hospitalization.


The procedure can also lead to pain during urination. For example, if you have a blood clot, you may experience abdominal or pelvic pain, and your voiding muscles may be temporarily weakened. It is normal to experience mild burning during urination after the procedure. Radiologist


It is best to drink plenty of fluids during the day following the procedure. Your urine will be slightly diluted. It is also a good idea to take antibiotics.


You may also experience a fever after cystoscopy.

This can indicate the onset of an infection. If you feel an increased temperature, contact your doctor. You can also check your urine for an increased amount of blood.


After the procedure, you should avoid doing dangerous or uncomfortable tasks. You should also rest for at least 24 hours after the procedure. You can also take a warm bath to ease any discomfort.


If you are having additional procedures performed, you may need to stay in the hospital. You may also have to get a spinal anesthesia. The type of anesthesia you receive will determine your recovery.

You can also have anesthesia given by an anesthesiologist in the operating room.


Also you will have to take antibiotics before and after the procedure. And you can also hold a damp washcloth over the urethral opening to help relieve your discomfort.


Depending on the type of anesthesia you have, you may not be able to urinate after the procedure. You can try to urinate if you can.


Post-void residual urine test

A post-void residual urine test is the measurement of how much urine remains in the bladder after a person has urinated. It can be used to diagnose urinary retention and other problems in the bladder. It can also help physicians determine how to treat the condition.


A post-void residual is measured in a number of ways. Some of the more common methods include ultrasound, catheterization, and voiding tests.


An ultrasound is a non-invasive method of measuring the volume of residual urine. It works by using high-frequency sound waves to record the inside of the abdomen. A transducer then converts the back echoes into electrical signals.

The results are then analyzed by a doctor.


If the post-void residual is too high, it may indicate an underlying problem with the bladder. This condition is often referred to as overactive bladder. A high post-void residual is also caused by a number of diseases, including obstructive uropathy, benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), and prostate cancer. A low post-void residual is considered normal.


An in-and-out catheter is another method of post-void residual measurement. This involves a catheter being inserted through the urethra. The catheter is inflated with sterile water. After the bladder is filled, the patient is allowed to get dressed. The catheter will then drain the remaining urine. The test takes about 10 minutes and is usually completed in an office setting.


A voiding test is a fast and easy way to assess a patient’s voiding problems.

It records the strength of the stream and the time it takes to void. The test can also be done without the use of a catheter.


A post-void residual urine test is useful in diagnosing overactive bladder symptoms and determining how to treat the condition. In addition, it can be helpful in evaluating other urinary issues, such as obstructive uropathy, infections, and mechanical obstruction.


The post-void residual urine test is also used to evaluate drug-induced urinary retention.

It can be performed with a portable bladder ultrasound device.


The post-void residual urine test can be performed in the office or at home, and can be used to monitor a patient’s treatment. It is especially important to get it done as soon as possible to avoid further disability.


Pelvic organ prolapse

Pelvic organ prolapse is a condition that occurs when muscles, ligaments, and other supports of the vagina fail. It can involve the entire organ, or only a part of it. When the organs shift out of place, they can cause pain, incontinence, and urinary problems.


Pelvic organ prolapse can be treated with surgery. Depending on the severity of the condition, the surgeon will repair or reinforce the prolapse. They may use a mesh or allograft material in order to support the repair.


Pessary devices can also be used to reduce or prevent prolapse. A pessary is a plastic or silicone ring that is inserted into the vagina. The pessary is designed to hold the prolapsed organs in place. This device is available in several different sizes, and it is designed to be removable and reusable.


Exercises, such as Kegels, can be done to help strengthen the pelvic floor muscles.

These exercises can help to strengthen the muscles around the vagina, which can improve symptoms. In addition, fiber intake can help to reduce the risk of constipation.


Other treatments can be provided by your primary care physician or a urogynecologist. They can prescribe a defecography test to determine whether you have an associated bladder or bowel problem. They can also recommend changes in your diet or lifestyle.


Pelvic organ prolapse is a condition in which the organs of the vagina, such as the bladder, urethra, sigmoid colon, and small intestine, fall out of place. The prolapse may be painful and affect your ability to sex. The condition can also be caused by trauma to the vaginal wall, especially during childbirth.


Some women with pelvic organ prolapse do not have symptoms.

However, many have overactive bladders and stress urinary incontinence. Symptoms can be reduced by exercising the pelvic floor muscles and reducing heavy straining.


If you are suffering from pelvic organ prolapse, you should see a urologist. The urologist can perform pelvic reconstructive surgery. In some cases, the surgery will be performed as an outpatient procedure.


Pelvic organ prolapse is categorized into three types: anterior, posterior, and apical. Each type of prolapse can be treated in a different way.


Treatment of prostate cancer

Prostate cancer is the most common non-skin cancer among men. It is not life-threatening, but can cause pain and other symptoms. If you think you might have prostate cancer, you can visit a urologist to discuss treatment options. The doctor will work with you to create a personalized treatment plan.


Your doctor may recommend surgery, radiation therapy, hormonal therapy, or other treatment for your prostate cancer. Each option has its own risks and benefits. However, most doctors believe that the benefits outweigh the risks.


Surgery involves the removal of the prostate.

The surgeon will consider your overall health and the stage of the disease. If the cancer is aggressive, a radical prostatectomy may be recommended. This procedure will include the removal of part of the prostate and some surrounding lymph nodes. The side effects of this procedure include urinary incontinence and erectile dysfunction.


If the cancer is localized, radiation therapy may be prescribed. This procedure is typically done in an outpatient setting. A wide variety of machines are now available to ensure that the radiation fields are as close to the prostate as possible. This minimizes the amount of radiation that is absorbed by other parts of the body.


Intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) has been approved by the Federal government. Unlike traditional radiation therapy, it does not require a referral to receive. It is also reimbursed at a high rate.

It has been shown to be effective in treating prostate cancer.


Cryosurgery involves freezing the cancer cells. This is done through a very small incision. Although not yet a well-established method, it is used for low-grade, localized prostate cancer.


In some cases, men may choose to undergo a procedure known as focal therapies. These less-invasive treatments target prostate tumors by using cold or heat. They are mostly used for intermediate-risk prostate cancer.


Often, the doctor will work with a team of specialists to decide on the best course of treatment for each patient. This includes surgeons, radiation oncologists, and pathologists. A patient’s treatment plan will be tailored based on other factors, such as age, gender, and stage of cancer.

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